

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I am happy to report that I am FINALLY able to swim! Friday was my first attempt at swimming with my arms, and I managed to complete 350m. The 350m was not continuous, not pretty, and not fast, but I was able to DO it. It was frustrating to be limited by the pain, but at least it's a step in the right direction. On Monday, I was back in the pool again and managed to do 500m before I reached my pain limit. More baby steps in the right direction. Yesterday was my third attempt at swimming, and I did 500m continuously with the help of my fins, and then another 500m (not continuously) without them for a grand total of 1000m.

 I feel quite awkward in the water, because I have to think about stabilizing my scapula and pectoral girdle every time I take a stroke. If I don't, the pain is amplified dramatically, so I have to correct myself right away. I've been consistently doing physio 3 times a week with Dave Frake at Balance Physiotherapy, and he has been so generous with his time and his Kinisio/Leuko/Spidertech tape to try and help me to get back out there and train for next season.

On a different note, med school applications are now in, so the nervous waiting game begins!

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